Islamic Careers
Islamic Careers
Islamic Careers
Use of Body Language in Communication
Did you know that while in India or America a "fantastic" or an "ok" sign is demonstrated by forming a circle with your thumb and forefinger, in Tunisia the same symbol means "I will kill you" and in Japan it means "money"?
Kinesics or study of body language must be understood by all. Whether it is an interview or a presentation, one must be aware of how to use body language effectively.
Read on to understand more about various non verbal components of communication...
1. Eye Contact: Always maintain eye contact with your audience. However, a person must ensure that he / she should not fix his gaze at one person for more than 5 seconds. Too much fluttering of eyes could indicate lack of confidence. Staring at a person could be daunting and hence is not such a good idea.
How To Start Trading: Trading As A Business
The idea of trading for a living is appealing to many people: you get to be your own boss, set your own schedule and work from home while enjoying virtually unlimited income potential. In addition to these factors, anyone with a computer, Internet connection and a small trading account can give it a try. Unlike many other jobs, no degrees, special training or experience is required.
Because of these factors, people often fail to acknowledge or realize the financial, emotional and time commitments that are required to build a successful trading business. Here are some quick facts about trading:
• About 90% of day traders fail within the first year
• There is no way to eliminate risk in trading
• There is no trading system that wins 100% of the time
• You will always have losing trades, even if you are a rock star trader
• You need money to make money – it will take a long time to get rich with a small trading account
Effect of Communication Barriers in Business Communication
An organization is an individual’s first home as one spends the maximum time here only. No organization runs for charity, it is really important that the organization achieve its goals. How does an organization become successful ? How will an organization achieve its goals ?.
The employees are the assets for any organization and the profitability of any organization is directly proportional to the labour put by its employees. Putting labour does not mean getting involved in hard physical work or digging the gold mines, it actually refers to the smart work done by employees, transparency between the team members, free flow of information from the superior to the subordinates. How does free flow of information happen? How is the transparency between the team members achieved ? - Through Communication and not only through communication but effective communication.
Importance of Communication in an Organization
Effective Communication is significant for managers in the organizations so as to perform the basic functions of management, i.e., Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling.
Communication helps managers to perform their jobs and responsibilities. Communication serves as a foundation for planning. All the essential information must be communicated to the managers who in-turn must communicate the plans so as to implement them. Organizing also requires effective communication with others about their job task. Similarly leaders as managers must communicate effectively with their subordinates so as to achieve the team goals. Controlling is not possible without written and oral communication.
How To Start Trading
Trading is an active style of participating in the financial markets that seeks to outperform traditional buy-and-hold investing. Rather than seeking profits from long-term uptrends in the markets, traders look for short-term price moves to profit in both rising and falling markets.
Approaching trading as a business is vital to success because trading is a business. A successful trading business requires a strategic plan that covers your actual business and your actual trading. Your business plan will include things like short and long-term goals, the amount of capital you have available for the business and how you will set up your office. You trading plan includes the details of trading: what you will trade and how you will trade it. Your plan should be so objective and concise that you could hand it over to another trader and they would be able to execute it exactly.
How To Start Trading: Trading As A Business
The idea of trading for a living is appealing to many people: you get to be your own boss, set your own schedule and work from home while enjoying virtually unlimited income potential. In addition to these factors, anyone with a computer, Internet connection and a small trading account can give it a try. Unlike many other jobs, no degrees, special training or experience is required.
Because of these factors, people often fail to acknowledge or realize the financial, emotional and time commitments that are required to build a successful trading business. Here are some quick facts about trading:
• About 90% of day traders fail within the first year
• There is no way to eliminate risk in trading
• There is no trading system that wins 100% of the time
• You will always have losing trades, even if you are a rock star trader
• You need money to make money – it will take a long time to get rich with a small trading account
Communication Flows in an Organization
In an organization, communication flows in 5 main directions-
1. Downward
2. Upward
3. Lateral
4. Diagonal
5. External
1. Downward Flow of Communication: Communication that flows from a higher level in an organization to a lower level is a downward communication. In other words, communication from superiors to subordinates in a chain of command is a downward communication. This communication flow is used by the managers to transmit work-related information to the employees at lower levels. Employees require this information for performing their jobs and for meeting the expectations of their managers. Downward communication is used by the managers for the following purposes -
Providing feedback on employees performance
Giving job instructions
Providing a complete understanding of the employees job as well as to communicate them how their job is related to other jobs in the organization.
Communicating the organizations mission and vision to the employees.
Open Free Account
For small to medium retail traders, your typical day trader, there finally is actually a risk free trade proposition. Tradorax is letting anyone who funds a binary options account have 2 risk free trades! That means even if you lose, your account will not be negatively impacted. It will be as if the trade never happened.
For an example of how much this can help you, think of a trader who places 4 trades. Now, some traders are better than others, but overall, about 50% of trades will be winners, and 50% will be losers. This means that from 4 trades, a trader who meets the averages can expect to be correct on 2 of them, and lose on the other 2. This would result in an overall loss for the trader in his account if all trades are the same size.
How To Start Trading: Live Trading Performance
The goal of evaluating any aspect of a trading plan is to minimize risk, create consistency and generate greater profitability. Even after a system “checks out” during testing, it is important to continue evaluating a system during live trading. Measuring live trading performance allows you to determine how good your trading plan really is.
Devamını okuThe Spread of Islam Through Trade & Conquest
Islam spread quickly beginning in the seventh century through two primary means. The first method was conquest. Although no one was forced to convert after Muslim conquests, many found it advantageous, and some of the areas were eventually Islamized. The second method was trade, which spread the message of Islam through merchants.
Conquest: Muhammad and Arabia
The first Islamic community was founded at Medina in 622, an event which begins the Muslim calendar. From Medina the Muslims branched out, eventually capturing Mecca in 630. By the time of his death in 632, Muhammad had united the entire Arabian Peninsula under his new religion. Abu Bakr, Muhammad's first political successor, or caliph, put down rebellions in Arabia and set the stage for the rapid expansion that would follow.
Conquest: The Expanding Caliphate
How to make a Great Presentation ?
1. State the Objectives: A presenter must ensure that he / she understands the purpose of the presentation. Sometimes a good presentation fails to make an impact because the audience is not clear what the presentation is about. A good way to start a presentation is to clearly state / mention / include the objectives in the presentation.
2. Analyze your audience: The presenter must find more about his / her target audience. Whether the audience has a specific educational background or whether they are from upper middle class or middle class. Basis the topic / theme of the presentation, it is very important to know some specific details of the target audience. This also helps to create a rapport with the audience during the presentation.
Day trade-How to Trade Gold Online
The market for gold is one of the most liquid out there. It offers a ton of opportunities for you to profit, no matter what the state of the market is like. If you want to learn how to trade gold online, there is also a plethora of guides to help you do this. Some people choose to actually buy the metal in its physical form and own it as a nest egg for the future.
• BinaryMate Review
• WynnFinance Review
• Finpari Promo Code
However, using gold trading on the stock market (GDL or GDX) to speculate about the future, equity and more allows you to gain leverage with minimized risk.
Importance of earning wealth in Islam
Wealth is not just a bank balance and property, but it has many faces and features. Some of them are as follows.
Few verses from the holy Quran related to wealth;
“And whatever khair (wealth) you spend for Allah, Allah knows it well.
“It is compulsory for you to make will before your death. So that if you leave behind khair (wealth), it should be correctly distributed among parents and relatives. It is a must for those who fear Allah. (2:180)
“ O Muhammad (SAW), People ask you where they should spend. Tell them whatever khair (wealth) you want to spend, spend it for you parents, relatives, orphans and poor people of society and travellers. And whatever good deeds you will do, Allah knows it. (2:215)
In the above few verses of the holy Qu’ran Allah has refered to wealth as “khair”. Khair in Arabic means noble deed, attaining excellence, favour. In short is the blessing of Allah.
Informal Networks in Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness
This article discusses how informal networks in organizations operate and their role in both enhancing and detracting organizational effectiveness. The key argument being made in this article is that informal networks should be encouraged as long as they add value to the organization and not when they become the channels for political games and avenues for anti organizational activities.
It is said that humans are social beings and hence, have an innate need to communicate, relate, and exchange information with others. We are all aware of how we form networks of familial relatives, peers, friends, and in this age of social media, virtual contacts. Therefore, being social and engaging with others comes naturally to us. In an organizational context, this means that employees tend to form networks comprising colleagues, superiors, and subordinates.
What is the Importance of Leadership in an Organization?
Good leadership is essential to business, to government and to the numerous groups and organisations that shape the way we live, work and play. Leadership is an important factor for making an organisation successful. Here we are concerned with the manager as a leader. Leadership transforms potential into reality.
Leaders are a key human resource in any organisation. We generally think of companies competing by means of their products, but they probably compete more by means of their leaders than their products. Better leaders develop better employees and the two together develop better products.
The importance of leadership in management cannot be over¬emphasized. To get things done by people, management must supply leadership in the organisation. Team-work is essential for realising organisational goals. Managers must influence the team for work accomplishment through leadership. Secondly, leadership aids authority.