Islamic Careers

Islamic Careers

Islamic Careers

Learn how to trade?

Learn how to trade the way most successful traders that I know have become financially independent. This guide is the beginning of a series of articles that show you the most common path I know of to successful trading. There are a lot of people who want you to learn how to trade using their new discovery of a secret way of trading. I have seen many of these secret trading methods come and go over the last 14 years which I have been trading. The principals shown here worked 14 years ago and they work today.

Wealth as a reponsibility in Islam

As a Muslim, there are many responsibilites the one should undertake in thislife. One of these responsibilities is management of wealth.Like most things in this life, wealth can be both beneficial (Arabic: NE'MAH) and detrimental (Arabic: NIQMAH). This depends on the following factors:

• Intention The intention (NIYYA) is of paramount importance in Islam. Everything you do depends on your intention, which is totally between you and Allah, no one else can know why you are doing something, except him. As most of us know, a Muslim is rewarded on normal everyday activities, if he makes the right intention to please Allah.

• How it wealth earned Wealth has to be earned in an Islamically permissible way. This means that it is not generated from prohibited business activities.

The Importance of Memory Search and Analysis

Historically, criminal or corporate investigations involving computer equipment began by immediately disconnecting any compromised machines from the network, powering them down, and securing them in a proper environment where they would be imaged and analyzed. The rationale for this approach as the first step in the response process originates in the idea of preserving the state of the hard disk at the time of response at all costs. Thus, the thought was that if the system was allowed to continue running, valuable evidence may be inadvertently or intentionally overwritten.

How To Start Trading: Trading Plan Development

Before learning about trading plan development, it is important to note the difference between discretionary and system traders. Traders typically fall into one of two broad categories: discretionary traders (or decision-based traders) who watch the markets and place manual trades in response to information that is available at that time, and system traders (or rules-based traders) who often use some level of trade automation to implement an objective set of trading rules.

History of Islamic economics

Between the 8th and 12th centuries, the Muslim world developed many advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, taxation, property use such as Hawala, an early informal value transfer system, Islamic trusts known as waqf, systems of contract relied upon by merchants, a widely circulated common currency, cheques, promissory notes, early contracts, bills of exchange, (mufawada), advanced agricultural techniques, high literacy rates, and enlightened capture and use of slaves.

Specific Islamic concepts involving money, property, taxation, charity included
• zakat (the "taxing of certain goods, such as harvest, with an eye to allocating these taxes to expenditures that are also explicitly defined, such as aid to the needy");

8 Steps To Becoming Your Own Boss

Working in your pajamas, setting your own hours, having good coffee at your desk for a change ... there are lots of reasons people dream of leaving the normal workplace and launching out to become their own boss. The perks are great, but the work is still hard. If you're serious about being your own boss and working from home, you can definitely do it; here are the steps you need to take.

Know Your Financial Situation

The essential first step to becoming your own boss is figuring out how you're going to write your own paycheck. You need to know - to the dollar - how much money your own business will have to make in order to keep operating and keep providing you with a livable wage.

Importance of Time

"The Qur'an and the Sunnah make it clear that time is very valuable. Almighty Allah says: "By the time! Verily man is in loss." (Al-`Asr:1-2)

Take benefit of five before five
"Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death."[Hadith- al-Haakim, al-Bayhaqee, Saheeh]

The importance of time!

MANY people forget or neglect the importance of time although man's life on earth is a span of time. Islam gives due attention to the issue of time because if people waste their time, they are actually wasting their life.


For a time during the 1960s, it was hypothesized that all the cells of the human body were capable of storing memories, not only those in the brain, an idea known as cell memory orcellular memory.

This was based on memory transfer research using cannibal flatworms, and on anecdotal evidence of organ transplants where the recipient was reported to have developed new habits or memories, but such theories are now considered pseudoscientificand have not made it into peer-reviewed science journals.

Memory is our ability to encode, store,retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. It can be thought of in general terms as the use of past experience to affect or influence current behaviour.

The Importance of Choosing a Career Path

Choosing a career path can help you set professional goals and develop a strategy for getting where you want to be. Part of choosing an appropriate career path involves making an honest self-evaluation of your talents, abilities and interests. While elements of your path may change over time due to choice or circumstance, having an overall professional objective with which to guide yourself will help you make critical decisions with greater clarity.

When you have an idea of the career path you want to pursue, it can help you make the best decisions about your training and education. Many lines of work require specific degrees and certifications, which can take years to pursue. Understanding the requirements of your chosen path will allow you to plan to prepare yourself for the career you want.

Career Planning

First Step in your Career Planning – Don’t go Wrong?

Most of us are in a hurry to secure a position somewhere, just after the completion of college. We hardly give it a thought about where we are headed in our career. Initially, it might sound great that we have a job, when there are many who are unemployed, but having the wrong job is equally stressful. This is how you know that you are in the wrong job –

• You are moving from one job to another in quick succession
• It generally happens because you are on a quest to find the right kind of job but you end up in another wrong job and the chain continues until you retire.
• You are getting attracted to different job because you are not happy in what you are doing
• Good paycheck in another company also adds up to the reason of changing the job. But, what you forget is that you might end up doing the same boring thing from which you are running away. So, you see money doesn’t always lead to job satisfaction.

Importance of a Career vs. a Job

A job is a position you hold, while a career includes the many jobs and professional activities you pursue during your time in the workforce. Focusing on your job to the exclusion of building your career might increase your short-term job security, but it can damage your long-term prospects for financial security and personal satisfaction. Creating a career path you proactively manage while excelling at each job you hold takes planning and hard work, but it will pay off with a better work/life balance and increased job options.


The Importance of Memory

Memory is something we deal with every moment of the day, even when it seems like we’re not actively using it. Right now, I’m using my memory of the keyboard to type the words I’m writing. My brain focuses on the content, but while I’m doing that, I’m also remembering what keys to hit in order to make words appear on the screen in front of me. Of course, while I type, I'm not recalling how to type on a conscious level. It's a part of my implicit memory. Today I'm going to talk about memory recall and how you can use the two types of memory to help yourself stay organized.

Employment Projections

In the early 1990s, the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), in collaboration with FÁS, developed an occupational employment forecasting model. In 2009, the model was transferred from the ESRI to the Skills and Labour Market Unit (SLMRU) (then based in FÁS). Since then, the Unit (now based in SOLAS) has been responsiblefor the maintenance and updating of the model and the production of employment projections at occupationallevel.

This is the second occupational employment projections report produced by the SLMRU. For the purposes of thisreport, the original model was updated and re-estimated to facilitate the move to a new version of the StandardOccupational Classification (SOC2010) and sectoral classification (NACE Rev 2).


Choosing a Career

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. It's about so much more than deciding what you will do to make a living. To start with, think about the amount of time we spend at work. We are on the job approximately 71% of every year. Over our lifetimes, this comes to roughly 31½ years out of the 45 years most of us spend working, from the beginning of our careers until retirement. The importance of selecting a career with which we are satisfied cannot be overemphasized.

While some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end up in satisfying careers without giving it much thought, most of us are not. Many people don't put enough effort into choosing occupations or pick them for the wrong reasons. Maybe they choose careers that seem secure or pay well. They then end up unhappy. The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to you is to make a well-thought out decision.

Career planning 4 step planning process

The Importance of Memory to Global Development

Alongside the topics of changing mental models, ecology, human behavior, law, and governance in economic development which have come up in previous Global Futures lectures, I want to propose another important element in need of critical attention as we reflect on non-economic dimensions of development thinking and practice. This is “memory.”

The month of April involves dangerous and sad memories. On April 7, we remember the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda. April 19 is a day of remembrance for Jews who perished during the Holocaust. And on April 24, we remember the one-hundredth anniversary of the Armenian genocide.
